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An active Christian group, regarding this life we believers must experience.
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Joyful Announcement!

“Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” - Phil. 1:2

We’ve been eagerly anticipating the day we could share our new mission, an opportunity came upon us which facilitated the greater progress of the gospel (Phil. 1:12).

Since May 8th, 2022, we’ve been the church that belongs to Christ in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. In this new location of the city, we are currently 15 diverse, loyal members strong and growing with qualified elders appointed. We minister to our immediate local area (pop. 86k souls), Provincial citizenry (pop.794k souls), and East Coast reaches (pop. 2.3 M souls).

We’ve had fellowship meals together every Sunday since May 8th and plan to continue this tradition, flourishing in unity together. We have planned wonderful church retreats and other encouraging calendar activities. We congregate each week for studies and worship through His grace, having peace and freedom in Christ. We devote ourselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer. We, faithful believers, remain together and have everything in common. We sacrifice our well-being to give to anyone who has need. We break bread in our homes and eat together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord has been adding to our number daily those who are being saved (Ref. Acts 2:42-47). God is good, “and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Rom. 8:28).

We currently assemble in our homes. And though this has been a blessing, for the time being, it simply does not accommodate our forecast as the church in 2023. And so, after careful search, we are firmly convinced of the numerous locations ripe for the gospel purpose on this East Coast, motivating our goal to purchase land and build a modest location for the body of Christ to have greater community presence in an untapped section of this European model.

Discernment would reveal the structure of our mission commitment needing your support to expedite our efforts and alleviate our burdens, always striving to be financially independent one day sooner than later. If you are seeking a trusted work source to partake in, please contact us privately for further information. All monetary stewardship and goals are available upon request. Our resume speaks a language of spiritual productivity for all friendly contributors since June 26th, 2011.

Our activities, growth, updates, and reports will be shared with all involved. We are a sound and loving family seeking to do what God instructs us in His Book. We find encouragement in like-minded brethren around the world who can recognize the challenge and pray for our spiritual endeavour.

We speak to God with joy because of your partnership in the gospel “from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” - Phil 1:5-6
We love God, for He first loved us and we seek to do what is right in His sight. Will you labor with us together, suffering hardship as good soldiers of Christ Jesus? (Ref. 2 Tim. 2:3).

Stay focused and positive. Many more wonderful and uplifting moments to come. “The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you.” (2 Tim. 4:22).

Your servants,
The EastCoast church of Christ.
[email protected]

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We've known for awhile now.

We are a compromised territory. We pray God will permit the US to be victorious in liberation, once again.

Interesting Opinion

He seems fully convinced, and part of me wants it to be true, but I'm not sure if it is though. I don't know this source, he passed in my X news feed.

Today Vlog 01/15/2025

Doctor's Appointment Coming Tomorrow, she's concerned about my bloodworm.

Have a special announcement coming sometime this year.

"Cleansing the Temple"

Sermon Sunday: John 2:13-25
EastCoast church of Christ
Moncton, NB, Canada.
Sunday, Sept. 18th, 2022.

"Cleansing the Temple"
"Water Baptism, Saves?"

In 1 Peter 3:21, we see the explicit inspired words of Peter the Apostle of Jesus the Christ. Was he teaching the Christians of the 1st Century that they were saved by "water?" What exactly did Peter mean within the context? This and more we explore in this exclusive LOCALS podcast session.

POLL question: "was Peter the Apostle married?"

"Water Baptism, Saves?"
Prayers Please 🙏

We pray to accumulate enough support in 2025 to keep serving at our current capacity (and then some).

If you know of any Christians and/or congregations willing and able to participate in this opportunity, please let them know about us. Thank you.

Blessings 🙌

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Yep, we know.

Sadly so many Canadians are fully brainwashed into believing lies from all our sectors of public life, which has contaminated many citizens. But either or, something is going to change, we pray it won't be through war, but peace.

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They're too far gone, ... wood-chipper

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Rescued - Transferred - Redeemed
The Kingdom of His beloved Son

You've fallen asleep comfy in your bed, and a fire started in your house. You wake to panic as you become aware of your surroundings, trapped by a wall of lavalike heat. You find yourself in danger, where smoke and flames threaten your life. Your neighbors were capable of seeing the threat and had since called for help. The firefighters arrive on the scene and immediately find you in your bedroom--time for a rescue. Are you yet seen in a location of satety? No, not yet. There still needs to be a transfer from the site of dakness, smoke, and fire to an area of light, fresh air, and safety. And so the firefighters guide you out of certain death into a secure location. You have now been saved, not without damage, trauma, and loss. But you've gained your life and get to learn fowared another day.

You've become idle in your sinful behavior and practices. You wake to panic as you become aware of your eternal punishment. A neighbor cares for you enough to share Jesus with you. Will you obey the gospel?

The reception of forgivness was the desired result of all who willfully gave their lives to Christ, submissive to His spiritual operation (Col. 2:11-12). Paul, the apostle, speaking to his brethren in Colossae, was accurate in reminding them of their reconciliation. And how the Word of God they had chosen to hear produced fruit for the Kingdom. The Kingdom was God's preplanned location where all found within would have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

A domain needs a King, Christ Jesus. A Kingdom has boundaries, borders, law and order, and justice. This Kingdom is of a peculiar kind, and we should all seek first legal citizenry (Mt. 6:33). His Kingdom is the body, the church (Col. 2:1,18,24). The body for it has organic members all united for the purposed function--the church fo its assembly, it's family. The way in? Being a repentant believer confessing Christ, immersed into water calling on His name, in order to receive the forgiveness of your sins, being added to His Kingdom, local assembly (i.e. "rescued, transferred, redeemed"). 

This good news of Jesus Christ "was proclaimed in all creation" to give humankind a way out of the flames and sinful consequences. And we are wise to hear its call.

Is your house on fire?

Ref. Colossians 2:13-24

Your servant,




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